Friday, September 25, 2009

The Hidden Gulag of Sexual Slavery

Whenever I do some traveling I take a little time to read the International Travel Information provided by the U.S. State Department as well as some of the links provided for even more information.

The sections (or footnotes) at the bottom of the various CIA Factbook entries have been of particular interest to me.

Try checking how many entries actually have a  section on "Trafficking in persons" under "Transnational Issues."

Here is the "Trafficking in Persons" entry for Russia, for example:

Current situation: Russia is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for various purposes; it remains a significant source of women trafficked to over 50 countries for commercial sexual exploitation; Russia is also a transit and destination country for men and women trafficked from Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and North Korea to Central and Western Europe and the Middle East for purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation; internal trafficking remains a problem in Russia with women trafficked from rural areas to urban centers for commercial sexual exploitation, and men trafficked internally and from Central Asia for forced labor in the construction and agricultural industries; debt bondage is common among trafficking victims, and child sex tourism remains a concern
tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Russia is on the Tier 2 Watch List for a fifth consecutive year for its failure to show evidence of increasing efforts to combat trafficking over the previous year, particularly in providing assistance to victims of trafficking; comprehensive trafficking victim assistance legislation, which would address key deficiencies, has been pending before the Duma since 2003 and was neither passed nor enacted in 2007 (2008)

continuing . . . here.

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